Irrigation network of NVF Urozhay LLC. Zolotonosha district
At the beginning of May, Eridon Bud specialists faced a difficult task in the direction of irrigation, namely to restore the in-house irrigation network on the lands of Urozhay LLC of the Pishchanka irrigation system, to test the existing 800 mm diameter reinforced concrete pipeline, to restore the existing Pishcha station equipment. as well as to install modern circular sprinklers in the amount of 4 units with the possibility of further expansion of irrigation areas.
The difficulty was that the existing system had not been used for at least 20 years, and no more than 1.5 months had been allotted for all construction and installation work.

Therefore, it was decided to work simultaneously in several areas, namely after the development of project documentation, first of all began to completely replace the existing asbestos domestic networks with new polyethylene pipes ø 355 mm, ø 315 mm, ø 280 mm.
In addition, together with specialists of the Left Bank MUVG in Cherkasy region, on the balance of which was the pumping station and the main pipeline, conducted a technical inspection, during which work began to check the tightness of the main reinforced concrete pipeline, as well as re-equipment of existing pumping units.
In parallel, after the delivery of sprinklers, began their installation.
In early June, the entire system was successfully implemented, which helped to start the watering season on time.